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17 Ergebnisse.

Picnic a Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan
Picnic a Hanging Rock

«Se Picnic a Hanging Rock sia realtà o fantasia, i lettori dovranno deciderlo per proprio conto. Poiché quel fatidico picnic ebbe luogo nel 1900 e tutti i personaggi che compaiono nel libro sono morti da molto tempo, la cosa pare non abbia importanza» (Joan Lindsay). Il 14 febbraio 1900, giorno di san Valentino, le allieve dell'Appleyard College nello stato di Victoria, Australia del Sud, si recano per una scampagn...

CHF 17.50

Le Secret de Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan
Le Secret de Hanging Rock
Le roman classique de Joan Lindsay, Pique-Nique à Hanging Rock, est un mélange subtil d'événements mystérieux et effrayants qui se déroulent à une certaine période de la société australienne, décrite avec une nostalgie affectueuse. Le dernier chapitre du roman a été enlevé à la demande de ses éditeurs, créant ainsi un mystère dont des milliers de personnes ont demandé à connaître la solution. Le chapitre manquant révèle ce qui est arrivé aux é...

CHF 25.50

The Secret of Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan
The Secret of Hanging Rock
Joan Lindsay's classic novel Picnic At Hanging Rock is a subtle blend of mysterious and sinister events set in a period of Australian social life drawn with loving nostalgia. The final chapter of the novel was removed at the request of her publishers, creating a mystery to which thousands have begged to know the solution. The missing chapter reveals what did happen to the schoolgirls who vanished from Hanging Rock after a St Valentines Day pic...

CHF 25.50

Das Geheimnis vom hängenden Felsen

Lindsay, Joan
Das Geheimnis vom hängenden Felsen
Joan Lindsays klassischer Roman ¿Picknick am Valentinstag¿ (Originaltitel ¿Picnic At Hanging Rock¿) ist eine subtile Mischung mysteriöser und unheimlicher Ereignisse, die in einer Zeit des australischen Gesellschaftslebens spielt, die von liebevoller Nostalgie geprägt ist. Das letzte Kapitel des Romans wurde auf Wunsch des Verlegers entfernt, was zu einem Rätsel führte, dessen Lösung Tausende von Lesern faszinierten und herbeisehnten. Das fehl...

CHF 25.90

The Secret of Hanging Rock: With Commentaries by John Tay...

Lindsay, Joan
The Secret of Hanging Rock: With Commentaries by John Taylor, Yvonne Rousseau and Mudrooroo
Joan Lindsay's classic novel Picnic At Hanging Rock is a subtle blend of mysterious and sinister events set in a period of Australian social life drawn with loving nostalgia. The final chapter was removed at the request of her publishers, creating a mystery to which thousands have begged to know the solution. The missing chapter reveals what did happen to the schoolgirls who vanished from the Rock after a St Valentines Day picnic in 1900.With ...

CHF 13.50

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan / Christian, Beatrix / Addison, Alice / Carter, Anne / Hitchins, Geoff / Skubiszewski, Cezary / Christian, Beatrix / Grandison, James / Kondracki, Larysa / Popplewell, Brett / Porter, Jo / Barnard, Antonia / Ellis, Anthony / Win, Penny / Phillips, Garry / Dormer, Natalie / Sullivan, Lily / Bessis, Lola / Gilbertson, Harrison / Weaving, Samara / Madden, Madeleine / Currõ, Inez / Rees, Ruby / Stone, Yael
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Australien am Valentinstag 1900: Die Schülerinnen des Appleyard College machen sich auf den Weg zu einer sagenumwobenen Felsformation im australischen Busch, dem Hanging Rock. Während ihre Mitschülerinnen ein Picknick vorbereiten, setzen sich vier der Mädchen von der Gruppe ab, um die Felsen auf eigene Faust zu erkunden. Doch nur eine von ihnen kehrt von diesem Trip zurück - die anderen sind spurlos verschwunden. Dies wirft Fragen auf und rück...

CHF 34.50

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan / Meloy, Maile
Picnic at Hanging Rock
*Now a six-part TV series starring Natalie Dormer, from Amazon Prime*A 50th-anniversary edition of the landmark novel about three "gone girls" that inspired the acclaimed 1975 film, featuring a foreword by Maile Meloy, author of Do Not Become Alarmed It was a cloudless summer day in the year 1900. Everyone at Appleyard College for Young Ladies agreed it was just right for a picnic at Hanging Rock. After lunch, a group of three girls climbed in...

CHF 21.50

The Secret of Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan
The Secret of Hanging Rock
Joan Lindsay's classic novel Picnic at Hanging Rock is a subtle blend of mysterious and sinister events set in a period of Australian social life drawn with loving nostalgia. The final chapter of the novel was removed at the request of her publishers, creating a mystery to which thousands have begged to know the solution. The missing chapter reveals what did happen to the schoolgirls who vanished from the Rock after a St Valentine's Day picnic...

CHF 15.50

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Lindsay, Joan
Picnic at Hanging Rock
On a summer's day in 1900, three Australian schoolgirls on a picnic expedition to the remote Hanging Rock abscond from their group. They are last seen heading towards the beckoning Rock... In Tom Wright's chilling adaptation of Joan Lindsay's classic novel, five performers struggle to solve the mystery of the missing girls and their teacher.

CHF 21.90